Sixth Form Application For 2021 Entry

Thank you for your interest in applying to Coloma Sixth Form. Please complete the online application form below. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Please note that there is no facility for saving the form part-way. We advise that you read through the application form carefully before filling in any information.

Once you have completed and submitted the form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. . There is no need to send in any additional paperwork.

The application deadline is Thursday 26th November 2020. We will contact all applicants to arrange a meeting to discuss your career plans and subject choices during December or January. We make conditional subject offers in the Spring Term. It will be conditional on you attaining the entry grades for both your chosen pathway and the individual courses.

We will hold your induction day in the Summer Term after GCSE exams are finished and we will enrol students on GCSE Results Day in 2021.

If you have any queries, please contact our Sixth Form Coordinator, Mrs Ingram on or complete our online form at

We look forward to receiving your application.

Personal Information

Previous Education

Please indicate which GCSE examinations you intend to take in Summer 2021

Please list any other examinations to be taken in Summer 2021

Please list any other examinations already taken, including dates

Coloma Sixth Form

We offer three different study pathways. Each has a different GCSE entry criteria. Please ensure you have checked them in the prospectus and understand their thresholds.

Please select a pathway you wish to follow.

3 A-Level Pathway
4 A-Level Pathway
Mixed Pathway (Usually 2 A-Levels and a BTEC)

Below is a list of Level 3 courses that Coloma is offering to students in Year 12 from September 2021. These are A Level courses unless otherwise indicated.

Please select the courses you wish to study on your chosen pathway below.

Please list any other subjects from the list above, that you may be interested in studying.

Please list any other subject/course you are interested in that is not listed above, if applicable.


I have read the Admissions Policy and Procedures details. I am aware of the GCSE qualifications I need to satisfy the entry requirements for the programmes of study on offer.

Please type your name below to indicate your signature

When you have submitted this form you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Please Note: On the next page, you will be given the opportunity to download a pdf copy of your application. Feel free to use this if you would like to keep a copy for your own records.